Wednesday, 3 August 2011


A few of saatchi online arts. I am not sure what the criteria is for the online saatchi artists. I have become a friend on facebook so I get the pick of the day art choices, and then I indefinatley start to flick through the libary of artists and some of these caught my eye. I seriously feel that I do not have a style in terms of painters. I just apreciate certain paintings more than others. Also what I noticed is that some pieces I liked and then when looking at other work from the same artist I decided against it. This has made me realise how important it is to only display work that you are pleased with, as others out there just like me will discount a piece that they like if the rest of the work makes them feel that there opinion may have been too hasty. None of these pieces would I say that I love, however all of them caught my eye and intruiged me. This is very important, I may now look into some of this artists and read some reviews before deciding on whether I like their work. It is easier to dislike than like, that is a stronger fact in the art world than anywhere else, so a few good pieces are the best thing to display, leave me wanting to look into the artist in greater depth.
I went to an art opening recently and decided to purchase a piece by a young photographer, it was only a print, but I found the person wh was organising and I said that I wished to buy it, firstly they did not take card, which meant that I would have venture out into the world and come back to the world of art and not feel like any illusions had been broken. Secondly I asked the man to look after the print until I returned as I definitely wanted to buy it, he then made the fatal mistake that caused him and the artist to loose out on a sale, he said that it did not matter as they had hundreds out the back, now I know I was buying a print, but hundreds, out back, choice of words not the best and as a result I thought nope not today, nothing special about that print. Always make it feel like they want to know more and that it is exclusive.  

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